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What is hard code or CMS?

What is Hard Coding and CMS?

In the world of web development, the terms “hard coding” and “Content Management System (CMS)” are often used interchangeably. However, understanding the differences between these two concepts is essential to developing an effective and efficient website. This article will explain the differences between hard coding and CMS, the pros and cons of each, and when each should be used.

What is Hard Coding?

Hard coding is the process of manually writing HTML code for a website, with no need for a CMS. Each page is created from scratch, with each element such as text, images, and links added manually. This requires a good understanding of HTML and web development principles.

The advantages of hard coding are that it can be more secure, faster, and easier to use. Hard coded websites can be more secure because there is no need for a CMS which could potentially be vulnerable to attack. Additionally, hard coded websites are usually faster because there is no need for the CMS to process requests and provide the appropriate content. Finally, hard coded websites are usually easier to use, as most of the code is already written and does not need to be manually managed.

The disadvantages of hard coding are that it is time consuming and requires a good understanding of HTML. As each page must be coded from scratch, it can take a lot of time to create even a simple website. Additionally, if the code is not written correctly, errors can occur that can be difficult to troubleshoot.

What is a CMS?

A Content Management System (CMS) is a web application that is used to manage the content of a website. It is typically used to create, edit, and manage web pages, images, and other content. The CMS stores the content in a database, and the content is then formatted and displayed according to a pre-defined layout.

The advantages of a CMS are that it is quick and easy to use, and requires no HTML knowledge. CMSs are designed to be user friendly, and can usually be set up and managed with minimal effort. Furthermore, CMSs often come with pre-defined templates and themes, making it easy to create a professional looking website quickly.

The disadvantages of a CMS are that it can be less secure, slower, and more prone to errors. CMSs are usually more vulnerable to attack than hard coded websites, as they rely on a database which can be susceptible to attack. Additionally, CMSs can be slower than hard coded websites, as the content must be processed and formatted before it is displayed. Finally, CMSs can be more prone to errors due to the complexity of the code.

When to Use Hard Coding or CMS?

The decision to use hard coding or a CMS should depend on the requirements of the website. If the website is small and simple, then hard coding might be the best option. This is because it is usually faster and more secure than a CMS. However, if the website is more complex and requires frequent updates, then a CMS might be more suitable. A CMS will make it easier to manage the content and make changes quickly.


Hard coding and CMSs are two popular web development techniques, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. Hard coding is usually better for small and simple websites, whereas CMSs are better suited for larger and more complex websites. Understanding the differences between these two techniques is essential to developing an effective and efficient website.