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What are the big 3 coding languages?

Big 3 Coding Languages

Big 3 Coding Languages

Coding is the process of creating software applications, websites, and other digital products. As technology continues to advance, the need for coders has grown exponentially. But with the vast array of coding languages available, it can be difficult to know which ones to focus on. To make it easier, the industry has identified a “Big 3” of coding languages that are most widely used and in demand.

The Big 3 coding languages are HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. These languages are used to create the majority of websites, apps, and other digital products. While there are many other coding languages that can be used for specific tasks, these three are the most widely used and essential for any coder to learn.


HTML, or Hypertext Markup Language, is the foundation of all webpages. It is the language used to create the structure of a website, such as the headings, paragraphs, and other elements. HTML is basically a set of tags and attributes that define how content is displayed on a page.


CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets, is used to define the look and feel of a website. It is used to control the layout of a webpage, as well as the colors, fonts, and other visual elements. CSS is used to ensure that a website looks consistent across different devices and browsers.


JavaScript is the coding language used to create dynamic, interactive elements on a webpage. It is used to create things like animations, forms, and other interactive elements. JavaScript is also used to create web applications and manipulate data.


The Big 3 coding languages are HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. These languages are essential for any coder to learn, as they are the most widely used and in demand. HTML is used to create the structure of a webpage, CSS is used for the layout and design of a webpage, and JavaScript is used to create dynamic and interactive elements. Knowing how to code with these three languages is essential for any coder who wants to create websites, apps, and other digital products.